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Other Services and Areas of Expertise
  • Research and Development for Government, Military/DOD and Industrial Partners
    • Unique and Specialty Chemicals
    • Process/Procedures for Manufacturing and Surface Preparation
  • Surface Analyses
    • Materials and Chemical Development
    • DOD Operations
    • Process Engineering
  • Customer Product/Process Failures and Incident Analyses
    • Chemical and Microscopic Evaluation
    • FMEA Evaluation and Recommendations
  • Consumer Use Products
    • Environmentally-Friendly Cleaning Product Development
    • Product Support and Consultation
    • Ice Melt and Slip Prevention Products
    • Consumer Product Development
  • Radiation Shielding and Protection
    • Custom Shielding Development, Design and Engineering​
  • Educational Services
    • Coaching Services
    • Processes/Procedures
    • Schools/Universities
  • New Processes and Academic Consultation
    • Academic Liaison Services
    • Material Development Analyses
    • Material/Process Verification
Glass and Ceramic Cleaning
Glass cleaning is critical due to the fact that small amounts of deposits or residues can easily cloud or obstruct the surfaces.  This visual recognition drives the demand for better cleaners that leave very clean surfaces without etching or damaging the surface and causing permanent degradation of the pristine clear original materials.  The surfaces needing cleaned includes; residential windows and mirrors, industrial building windows, saunas, swimming pools and water features.  While some of these applications require professional operators, the residential windows are often cleaned by untrained individuals.  Therefore, these chemicals need to be environmentally responsible as they are often rinsed into pools of water with public access or down private or municipal waste streams.  
  • Window Cleaning
    • Cleaning windows is a procedure that is regularly repeated to meet customer or personal requirements.  This process consumes a large quantity of chemicals and must be performed in an environmentally responsible manner.  The cleaner must remove hard water deposits, dirt and other airborne contaminants.  The applied chemicals must not damage adjacent materials such as brick, aluminum, siding, or wood.  Specific care must also be taken if grass or flower beds are below or in the run off  path of the wash and rinse solutions.  
  • Saunas and Swimming Pool Glass
    • Glass enclosures around swimming pools and saunas are often found with significant water deposits.  Naturally occurring minerals and chemicals used to maintain hygiene that are added to the water settle on surfaces and form deposits on the glass.  The specialty chemicals and mineral deposits are often difficult to remove.  Care must be taken when cleaning so that cleaning chemicals and rinse solutions do not contaminate water that may come in contact with the users of the facilities.  
  • Water Features
    • Water features are often used to beautify external landscaping or internal space within buildings.  The water features often have added chemicals to reduce algal buildup and protect against hazardous bacteria buildup.  Cleaning surfaces in this setting is often difficult due to the fact that bio-films often grow over the deposits and make them particularly difficult to remove.  The bio-film must be eliminated as well as the stains.   Solutions have been developed that will elimate both for opimum cleaning.  Appropriate water treatment is the best method to ensure structures stay clean.  The water borne bio-film components must be treated and then the hard water minerals can be sequestered after which little or no deposits will accumulate and be observed.
  • Sentecor Solutions Consulting for Glass Cleaning
    • Sentecor uses environmentally responsible chemistries so that direct cleanup or washing into the municipal waste is possible.  We utilize specifically designed soutions to clean the deposits and bio-films and then recommend specific protocols to reduce or eliminate the return of the deposits.