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Metal Surface Preparation

Table of Contents

1.  Aluminum Cleaning Solutions
2.  Titanium Cleaning Solutions
3.  Inconel and Super Alloy Cleaning Solutions
4.  Glass/Ceramic/ Composite Cleaning Solutions
5.  Copper and Brass Cleaning Solutions
6.  Oil and Grease Removal
7.  Chemical Research and Development
​8.  Additive Manufacturing
​9.  Metal Cleaning Products​

1.  Aluminum Cleaning Solutions
Aluminum and its alloys are used for a large variety of applications.  These applications range from ornamental products to aerospace and structural components.  Surface preparation of the aluminum articles is critical for surface appearance and bond-ability of these materials.  Sentecor Solutions provides environmentally responsible aqueous chemical cleaners and etchants to support cleaning and finishing of alloys in all configurations large or small and can be utilized in both dip and spray applications. 

  • Aerospace Applications for Aluminum
    • Cleanliness of aerospace structures is critical to preparing surfaces for bonding, adhesion, and welding.  Sentecor Provides a family of chemicals that can be used to deoxidize the surfaces without etching or articles can be etched to our customer's specifications.
  • Structural Applications for Aluminum
    • Structural aluminum is used in many commercial and industrial applications.  These alloys are often anodized or have chemical film applied.  Sentecor cleaners reduce or eliminate several chemical baths (savings on cost and footprint requirements) and maintain better than normal salt spray results.  If the alloys need to be painted, bonded or welded, we have cleaning solutions to prepare the surfaces.
  • Ornamental Applications for Aluminum
    • The surfaces of ornamental aluminum require that the surface finish or shine be maintained.  Sentecor provides cleaners that will remove oil, lubricants and other manufacturing residues so that the natural beauty of the articles can be maintained.
  • Specialty Applications for Aluminum
    • Many specialty applications exist in using aluminum alloys.  These applications range from aluminum chip recycling to utilizing fine aluminum powders for Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes.  In all applications tested, our cleaners have cleaned and prepared the materials for their end uses.
Salt Spray Testing on Aluminum
Removing Organic Contaminants from Aluminum
Aluminum 2024 Etching
2.  Titanium Cleaning Solutions
Titanium alloys are used in aerospace, structural and biomedical applications.  These alloys are used because of their strength, oxidation resistance and bio-compatibility.  The use of these materials requires that the alpha case layer, which forms during heat treatment, be removed.  The alpha case oxide layer is a hard, brittle layer that results in microcracks.  These microcracks if not removed will result in premature failure due to crack initiation sites.  The removal of this layer has traditionally been accomplished using HF/nitric acid. The hydrofluoric acid has severe health and safety considerations and has been targeted by the EPA and OSHA and needs to be eliminated.  Previously, the only affective method to remove the alpha case layer used HF solutions.  Sentecor Solutions has developed an aqueous, environmentally safe, solution to eliminate the alpha case oxide layer on titanium and allows the material to maintain its strength and eliminate crack initiation sites.

  • Titanium Cleaning and Etching
    • Removal of the alpha case brittle layer which is formed during the heat treatment process has greatly improved the durability and fracture toughness of finished parts for aerospace, structural and biomedical applications.  The deoxidizers used are environmentally responsible and can be disposed into municipal waste treatment systems. These cleaners are HF free and eliminates the risks to handlers and workers and the liability of companies associated with titanium processing and use.
  • Titanium Use as an Additive Manufacturing (AM) Feedstock
    • The cost of titanium materials has led to the use of additive manufacturing as a method to fabricate complex or large titanium products.  The typical machining methods produce a large amount of waste material, adding to the cost of the article. The use of AM limits the volume of material used and thus reduces the material costs.  The need to assure that the material properties of the AM part vs the machine part requires that the feed stock materials meet rigid specifications or the final product will not meet final material properties.  Removal of the oxide layer on the wire or the powder feedstock allows for engineering of the final product. Sentecor Solutions has developed etching chemistries that remove and allow specified oxide regrowth to achieve these engineering standards.  
    • Final AM articles must be sintered or heat treated to achieve specific material properties.  The alpha case layer is also formed in this process and must be removed. Sentecor has the solutions to remove and etch the AM structures as well.
Alpha Case Formation
Alpha Case Removal on Titanium Plate
Alpha Case Removal on Sintered AM Ti Powder
3.  Inconel and Super Alloy Cleaning Solutions
Inconel and other super alloys are used as aerospace and astronautic materials due to their strength, oxidative resistance, and are well suited for service in extreme environments that are subjected to pressure and heat. The broad utility of these materials is hampered by oxide formation during heat treatment.  The oxide formation during heat treatment develops a brittle layer that must be removed prior to use.  Removal of this layer, is critical in manufacturing reproducibly durable parts.  This removal has traditionally been accomplished using HF solutions.  The HF acid has severe health and safety considerations and has been targeted by the EPA and OSHA and needs to be eliminated. Previously, the only effective method to remove this oxide layer used HF solutions.  Sentecor Solutions has developed an aqueous, environmentally safe, solution to eliminate these oxide layers on Inconel and other super alloys.
  • Inconel/Super Alloy Deoxidizing and Etching
    • Removal of the brittle oxide layers which are formed during the heat treatment process has greatly improved the durability and processability of finished parts for aerospace and astronautic applications.  The deoxidizers are environmentally responsible and can be disposed into municipal waste treatment systems when depleted.  These cleaners are HF free and eliminates the risks to handlers and works and the liability of companies associated with super alloy processing and use.
  • Inconel/Super Alloy Use as Additive Manufacturing Feedstock
    • The cost of Inconel and other super alloy materials has led to their use in additive manufacturing processes as a method to fabricate complex or large products.  The typical machining methods produce a large amount of waste material adding significantly to the cost of the article.  the use of AM limits the volume of material used and thus reduces the material costs.   The need to assure uniformity of the material properties of the AM part vs a machined part requires that the feed stock material must meet rigid specifications or the final product will not meet final material properties.   Removal of the oxide layer on the wire, or powder feedstock, allows for engineering of the final product.  Sentecor Solutions has developed etching chemistries that remove and allow specified oxide regrowth to achieve these engineering standards. 
    • Final AM articles must be sintered or heat treated to achieve specified material properties.  An unacceptable oxide layer may also form in this process and must be removed.  Sentecor has the solutions to remove and etch these AM structures as well.
Deoxidation of Cast Inconel Part
4.  Glass/Ceramic/Composite Cleaning Solutions
Glass, ceramic composite material cleaning is often a combination of removal of mineral oxides and organic components combined. The combination of minerals and soap residues, for example, form surface contaminates that are difficult to remove.  Typical cleaners may work well with one or the other of the contaminates, but the combination has proven difficult to remove or eliminate. Sentecor Solutions has developed deoxidizers and cleaners that readily and completely remove the contaminates found in a variety of environments and conditions. 

  • Mineral Deposits on Glass
    • Mineral deposits on window glass is often difficult to remove.  Various techniques have been employed from scraping with a razor blade to using strong inorganic acids.  The scraping method often scratches the glass and the strong acids damage or destroy the window support structures and may kill plants that are in the rinse path of the cleaners.  Sentecor Solutions has introduced a cleaner/deoxidizer that easily and safely removes the residues and is safe for the operators to use and non-toxic to plants and animals in the vicinity of the cleaning process.
  • Ceramic Cleaning
    • Ceramic materials are often formed into ornamental objects or tiles for use on floors, walls, or other structures. These surfaces are often contaminated with minerals and soaps that are used to clean them. These surfaces, along with the grout lines associated with their installation, will darken and residues will build up and not be able to be cleaned.  Sentecor Solutions has developed cleaners to remove the mineral/organic buildup and leave the surfaces looking as they did when the materials were installed.
  • Consumer Surfaces - Cleaning and Deoxidizing
    • Many consumer surfaces such as kitchens and bath facilities, contain these difficult residues.  The Sentecor Solutions cleaners readily remove these residues in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner. 
Cleaned Mineral Deposits on Window Glass
Cleaned Sauna Glass, Large Sample
Cleaned Sauna Glass, Small Sample
Cleaned Ceramic Floor Tiles
5.  Copper and Brass Cleaning Solutions
Copper and brass have many uses in our economy.  Their uses range from electrical contacts to brass being formed to manufacture ornamental or sub-assembly parts.  These materials have special requirements during processing so that they can maintain appearance as well as functionality.  The cleaning processes must remove contaminates and oxides that degrade appearance, processability and conductivity.  Our cleaners have been used to clean copper alloys without altering appearance or surface finish.

  • Processing Requirements
    • During the manufacturing of copper and brass components, annealing, and shaping of the materials are often employed. These processes require that the materials be clean and not introduce degradation or defects into the final products. Sentecor Solutions has experience in material cleaning that integrates into these manufacturing protocols. 
  • Product Finishing
    • Copper and brass provide a beautiful finish when processed correctly.  This manufacturing finish is often required for customer satisfaction.  An example of this is the forming of bullet cases.  If the finished product is not golden shiny with a distinct neck anneal line, the product will not sell.  Sentecor provides finishing products to assist in building the best products for your customers.  
Bullet Brass After Annealing (a), and Post Cleaning (b)
6.  Oil and Grease Removal
Oils and grease are common materials found in all areas of our business and personal lives.  Oils and grease are common in many military applications and in commercial applications such as automotive and diesel repair and maintenance.  These are obvious applications but many areas of contamination occur such as in kitchens, restaurants, laundries, floors, walls, and the equipment associated with these areas.  Grease and oil often build up and are not easily cleaned due to high temperatures, risk of contamination, or co-depositing with minerals.  These surface contaminates are difficult to remove and are often ignored due to the challenges associated with their removal.  Sentecor Solutions has developed cleaners that are affective on the individual materials but find enhanced application to those difficult areas where there is a mixture of the two contaminates that result in difficult to remove residues.  These environmentally green cleaners find application in the following areas:
  • Military
    • Heavy greases such as Cosmoline
    • Artillery Cleaning
    • Small Arms Cleaning and Repair
    • Mechanic and Repair Shop Usage
  • Automotive and Diesel Repair
    • Vehicle and Engine Cleaning
    • Parts Cleaning
    • Cleaning Stations
    • Hand and Other Surface Cleaning
  • Restaurant Cleaning
    • Tables and Chairs
    • Floors
    • Kitchen Floors
    • Deep Frying Equipment
    • Ovens and Cooking Surfaces
  • Hotels and Malls
    • Ceramic Floors and Walls
    • Escalators
    • Restroom Fixtures, Toilets, and sinks
    • Bathtubs/Showers
    • Swimming Pools

Heavy Grease and Dirt
Automotive and Diesel Parts
Deep Fat Fryer
Stainless Steel Sink
Exhaust Fan Cover Before and After Cleaning 
Other Materials (Development Programs)
Sentecor is committed to assist industry partners and customers in developing processes and materials to meet their cleaning needs.  Development programs are on-going and fundamental to our operation. Call and talk to one of us about your cleaning needs.​​​​
7.  Chemical Research and Development
  • Innovative chemical development using environmentally responsible materials
  • Customer application specific consultation
  • Research into environmentally safe cleaners for copper, brass, aluminum, glass, ceramic, water features, titanium and super alloys
  • Waste water management, waste disposal methods and associated analytical services
8.  Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing has become a growing industry as it allows for complex designs to be manufactured in a simple and cost effective manner.  The use of additive aluminum has recently been qualified for use in airplane structures and many more uses of the tailorable materials will be realized in the near future.  One challenge is preparing surfaces for the deposition of the additive materials.  Metal oxides and impurities within the bulk of these materials has also caused limitations for the process.  Preparation of the base materials as well as the powders to be used are critical to obtain the required propertied in these materials.
  • Materials Cleaning
    • Cleaning of base materials is critical because the deposited powders will exhibit a weak layer if oxides exist within the manufactured part.  Sentecor has developed cleaners that will eliminate the oxides and leave an active surface to begin the process.  When these parts are bonded to other materials such as composites, the cleaning of these final surfaces is also critical.  
  • Cold Spray Application
    • Cold Spray is another additive process.  This method relies upon the deposited materials being applied at low temperatures so that material properties of the deposited  alloys can be established and maintained.  Once again, if the surfaces receiving the additive deposit is contaminated with oxides, a weak layer may be oberved.  Removal of the contaminants is vital to obtaining a homogeneous material with superior mechanical properties.  
  • Other Additive Methods
    • Many other additive processes rely on clean surfaces to provide to best performance.  Contact Sentecor Consulting to discuss your cleaning needs.
9.  Metal Cleaning Products
Sentecor Consulting cleaning products are manufactured in the USA and are ready to be shipped to any domestic and many international locations.  We will work with all international customers so as to expedite orders in a timely manner. Some restrictions apply depending on location and foreign regulations and restrictions.
Our Products Include:
  • SC-721 Family of Chemicals
    • SC-721 is a cleaner family that is used to perform many of the applications contracted to Sentecor Consulting.  These products are a mixture of proprietary cleaners, brighteners and activators. Concentration variations of these components produce the products that make up the different process specific designations.
  • SC-165 Soap Solutions
    • SC-165 is a family of cleaners that that can be applied to light metal substrates.  Testing of these materials to satisfy customer needs are performed on a case to case basis.  
  • SC-1124 Brighteners and Activators
    • SC-1124 brightener products are added to cleaner products to meet specific needs.  Please contact our representatives to discuss brighteners, activators and their uses with your products.
  • SC-410 Glass/Cereamic and Composite Cleaners
    • ​SC-410 cleaners are a family of near neutral pH cleaners that have been blended pecifically for glass and ceramic materials that are stained with mineral and organic contaminants.  These cleaners fill a nitche that has previously not been filled.  We are still learning of great applications for these materials.
  • SC-810 Oil and Grease Cutting Cleaners
    • The SC-810 grease and oil breaking cleaners are targeted at residues where heavy oils are present.  Tartget markets include resaurants, hotels, malls and homes.  These locations have grease and oil buildup that is difficult to remove.  These products are highly effective at cleaning most surfaces.